This chapbook was originally an insert into the book (woman.), by Janet Kuypers.

a book for men

It occurred to me when I decided to do this project in 1991 that there were so many more derogatory terms for women than there were for men. Then I started to think about the actual names themselves and I noticed a few themes:

1. Many terms, both terms considered “nice” and terms considered “rude,“ were less-than-human, whether they be inanimate objects, animals, foods, or what have you, that somehow became descriptions for women.

2. There was a much greater number of “mean” slang terms for women who were promiscuous than for men (for men, it was something to be proud of, so slang terms were not derogatory but complimentary).

3. There was a much greater incidence of jokes and phrases about women being either stupid or promiscuous than men.

4. Terms for sex with women (terms used predominantly by men) were often sports analogies, references to power tools and other historically masculine objects, or by nature violent.

I originally thought of taking photographs of what these terms really are (and not of their slang definition) in order to show how ludicrous the contrast was to what the terms have come to mean in our society.

The jump to make the following pages a reference tool for men in order to help them degrade women with their terminology was to provide an additional point of contrast: these pages, the way they are designed, are to make it look like this name-calling is a conscious effort on the part of all men to degrade women with the terms they use.

The reason why I did this is because although the effort is not made consciously, and although this conscious effort as displayed on the following pages seems humorous, the current effect of this spectrum of terms for women has the same result as if it was a concerted movement. No, it isn’t a concerted movement: it’s worse; it is second nature to everyone.

After realizing this, I felt that displaying these points humorously and sarcastically would make it a better engine for making people think about the language they use in describing women.

janet kuypers

a book for men

Hey, all you men out there - do you remember the time when life was simple - when a man was a man and a woman knew her place? Well, we think it’s time you had your say. Introducing the man’s guide for derogatory terms for women!!be vicious! be malicious! put women in their place!

now, the key to degrading women is to call them names that are less than human.

you can easily do this by calling women anything from animals to plant life to food to inanimate objects.

(we know they’re thinking adults, but by calling them names that are less than that, they will eventually feel like less than human beings.)

to start off, you can call women names that are less than adults

(by referring to them as children, like baby, babe or girl.terms like these are less effective, since they are so commonplace, but can still degrade women, so use them liberally)(and they can even sound like compliments so they won’t complain!)

Call them something less than an adult, like baby or babe (or even girl!)

try names for animals!

try pussy
if they’re good, or try bitch if they’re bad...

you can even use names like cow or sow or pig,
fox, heiffer or horse...

how about degrading terms for women by calling them (or parts of them) as finds of food

like a tomato, a peach,or think of tang, or pie (or cherry pie)

Heck, think of cherries or sugar, honey, or refer to them as a piece of meat!

Call them a pumpkin, or refer to their melons!

can you think of any others?

like sweet pea, or muffin or cheesecake!

call her a dish and it sounds like she’s to be consumed instead of treated with respect!

...but degrading women by calling them kinds of animals or kinds of food only begins to scratch the surface.

there are other ways to turn women into objects

other names you can have for womenor you can refer to their body parts

instead of them as a whole human being or you can even objectify the act of sex!

you can call them a


how about degrading women by calling them other inanimate objects

like hoe or her bush


use these anmes for SEX with women!
Use references to sports, physical violence and power tools to make it sound more manly!

when having sex, you hammer them, or you even score!

the act of sex is like bagging, banging, or screwing!

don’t foget that you can always bop them or nail them, too...

try some degrading jokes about women!

what do women and beer bottles have in common?
they’re both empty from the neck up!

why do women wear panties?
to keep their ankles warm!

what’s the difference between a woman and a bowling ball?
you can only put three fingers in a bowling ball!

what do you call a prostitute and three blondes walking down the street?
regular price, four bucks, four bucks, four bucks!

why is a beer better than a woman?
it will always give you a head and will never talk back to you!

what makes a perfect woman?
a flat head, three feet tall and no teeth!

what is the flabby skin around a vagina?
a woman!

try some degrading phrases for women!

call then sluts!
she can’t wrestle, but you should see her box
call them whores!
call them rags!
liquor in the front, poker in the rear
call them bimbos!
call them cunts!
smells like fish, tastes like chicken
call them skanks!

call them anything that defines them as a sexual object!

and remember, men -
degrading women isn’t just for fun. it’s tradition, it’s the way we stay ahead.
it’s our way of life!
so keep up the good work!