[the Writing of Kuypers][JanetKuypers.com][Bio][Poems][Prose]

False Suicide

“A woman called the station once,
said, ’My daughter has been depressed
lately, has been talking about killing
herself. And she’s an early riser, and
hasn’t returned any of my calls. Could
you go over there? I’m afraid something
terrible has happened.’ So we said we’d
go there, and we got in the squad car and
went to the woman’s house. All the doors
were locked, and we started looking through
the windows, and I saw her on the bed, stark
naked, with her tongue sticking out, quite
dead-looking. Now, this is kind of strange,
because women usually commit suicide
dressed well. In all my years I ain’t
never seen a woman commit suicide
naked. Well, my partner kicked the front door
down with one kick, and we went back to
the bedroom, and I grabbed her hand to see if
rigamortis set in yet, if she was cold, if she
was stiff. And when I grabbed her hand
she jumped up and screamed, and then she
saw another police officer and she started
to calm down. And we said, ‘Your mother
thought you might have killed yourself.
She said you were an early riser.’ And she
said, ‘Damn mother,’ under her breath.”

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.