[the Writing of Kuypers][JanetKuypers.com][Bio][Poems][Prose]

Knew All Along

So my friend Joe owned this bar, and Joe
was a great guy, but he had this thing against guys
with motorcycles. He didn’t want motorcycles in his
parking lot, he didn’t want anybody in leather or
heavy motorcycle boots in his bar. So I thought one
day I’d get him for thinking like that - so I
came up with a plan. It’s like this: the bar is laid out
with an entrance to the left of the main entrance. So
I decided I’d ride a motorcycle through his bar, with a
full leather outfit on and a helmet so he couldn’t see
who it was, and I’d go in through the main entrance
and exit at the entrance on the left. So everything was
in place, I was in the parking lot, then at the front
door, ready to go. Then someone opened the door for
me, and for some reason when I went through the
front door, I couldn’t turn my wheel, and I ended
up running right into his juke box. And so I tried
reversing my way out of it, and I ended up running
into Joe’s cigarette machine. And his wife was behind
the bar screaming for Joe to come out - Joe was in
back and missed all of this - while I managed to man-
euver my way out the door on the left before Joe ever
got out there. And Joe put out rewards for information
about who did this to his bar, and he swore up and
down about motorcycle riders. And I couldn’t tell him
that it was just a joke, that I didn’t mean to break all
of his stuff, right? So finally, after four years, I told
him at a party it was me. He said, “I knew all along.”

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

the CD Moving Performances