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Feel So Much

November 12, 1998

There are some points where
you just have to stop caring about things

Well, maybe I care about too much stuff
and that is why I have to stop myself

Sometimes you just have to draw a line

to separate yourself from other people
because you can care too much
and sometimes others don’t care enough

It’s hard to draw that line, you know
because to say that you don’t care any more
is like killing a part of yourself

Does it seem cruel to want to kill
a part of yourself
does it seem cruel to feel so much

I tell you, getting used to
                killing a part of yourself
I’ve been doing that for years
am I dead yet

Copyright Janet Kuypers.
All rights reserved. No material
may be reprinted without express permission.

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not yet rated (:53) on Lookout mountain in Golden, CO 06/15/07