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a Great American

and when listening to Sean Hannity,
one of the Republican’s icons in punditry,
I hear him say to all veterans,
“you’re a great American.”
then other people
later on his show
would say that he is a great American

and it becomes like a contest sometimes
where everyone who supports
                Sean Hannity on his show
is calling each other a great American

and I’m thinking:
he thanks veterans
because they fought in a war
and protected our country.
and I’m thinking,
we thank people
for finding a loophole to legally kill people,
we thank people for going through hell
in a current war that we don’t support

a war not defending our country
but killing our people nonetheless

Hell, people now aren’t even in a war
only Congress can declare a war
and we haven’t been in an actual war
since World War Two

but I’m sure they’re great Americans
because they fought
in these President-proclaimed wars

yeah, Sean Hannity thanks veterans
because they fought in a war
and protected our country
but he also calls anyone a great American
only because they agree with him

you can elevate anyone to that tall pedestal
idolize them, call them a great American
as long as they support the Bush kakistocracy

hey, we’re Americans,
we’ve proclaimed ourselves to be the best
we don’t idolize anyone
I think it’s time we all start thinking
                the Sean Hannity way
and be great Americans again

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the book Distinguished Writings the book the Entropy Project the cc&d v170.5 issue release of Kuypers' writings in the 2006 book  Distinguished Writings