Janet Kuypers

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listen to Music by perusing the music page

listen to Performance Art by perusing the performance art page

listen to JK Radio or get Janet Kuypers’ monthly iPodCasts

learn about Kuypers as the DJ, download past hour-long shows, or click through to listen to Kuypers’s work in Chaotic Radio

See a catalog of performance art & music at Kuypers’YouTube videos YouTube videos from Kuypers

See a catalog of Kuypers’ music & perfortmance art videos at archive.org archive.org

Also visit the listings for
performance art CDs, books and music CDs for sale...

Want to order some tracks quickly?
Follow this link for Janet Kuypers at iTunes.
Janet Kuypers

Or try Rhapsody, or emusic, or Audio LunchBox.

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janet kuypers