the writing of Kuypers


Xenon (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
also see this poem at Artvilla
video videonot yet rated
Watch this Youtube video
of this poem read live outdoors at the Lincoln Park Zoo for the 2013 Poetry Bomb 4/28/13 (Kodak)
video videonot yet rated
Watch this Youtube video
of this poem read live outdoors at the Lincoln Park Zoo for the 2013 Poetry Bomb 4/28/13 (Samsung)
See the Samsung video upside-down,
all raw video currently posted at facebook, posted immediately after poetry was read during the 2013 Poetry Bomb
the 7/22/12 Beach Poets chapbook
Download this in a free 7/28/13 chapbook
the Lincoln Park Zoo chapbook,
w/ the Periodic Table of Poetry poems.

X-rays and broken hearts
video videonot yet rated
See YouTube video (Cps) of Janet Kuypers reading her poem X-rays and broken hearts 12/13/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry
videonot yet rated See YouTube video of Janet Kuypers performing poetry and song (with John on guitar) 12/13/15 at the Austin open mic Kick Butt Poetry (Canon Power Shot), with her song What We Need In Life (with her poem Fantastic Car Crash inside the song),
X-rays and broken hearts, & the Burning.

my hand to jkchair with moving hands, anim

Kuypers’ Bio    Kuypers’ Books    Kuypers’ Poems    Kuypers’ Prose    Chicago Poet and Poetry