Live at “Trunk Fest” in Evanston IL 07/24/11:
“Triple Threat”
a sung poem, & writing from her book Close Cover Before Striking

    Janet Kuypers was thrilled to be a feature on the final of 3 live “runk Fest” shows, July 24th (the previous shows in May and June 2011)...
    People could listen from the street (or walk down the sidewalk, or hang out on the lawn or the parking lot) during this Evanston feature July 24th at Trunk Fest, where Kuypers did a feature starting with a new “sung” poem, followed by poems and prose originally in the from the 6" x 9" ISBN# book Close Cover Before Striking (for future audio CD release). Artists brought books for sale — as well as all sorts of artwork in many different forms — literally for sale from the trunks of their cars.

    Follow the links below to see poetry and prose from this live Ecanston show.

enjoy the full video
of the entire show
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See the
full YouTube video of Triple Threat at Trunk Fest, live 07/24/11

...on to the poems:
(in the order they were read during the show)

Made Any Difference
(with vocals and rain stick from John Yotko, cigarette from Dave Gecic)
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performed live (John Yotko back-up vocals and rain stick) at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat , her outdoor Evanston IL feature 07/24/11
Rather read it? Then check out the original writing

No Consequences
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Published in her book Close Cover Before Striking, performed live at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat , her outdoor Evanston IL feature 07/24/11
Rather read it? Then check out the original writing

Letter, 4/14/95 two
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Published in her book Close Cover Before Striking, performed live at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat , her outdoor Evanston IL feature 07/24/11
Rather read it? Then check out the original writing

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Published in her book Close Cover Before Striking, performed live at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat , her outdoor Evanston IL feature 07/24/11
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of this poem, read from the folder camera, 1st in her book Close Cover Before Striking, live at Triple Threat at Trunk Fest, in an outdoor Evanston IL feature 07/24/11
Rather read it? Then check out the original writing

Resurrecting the Dead
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Published in her book Close Cover Before Striking, performed live at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat , her outdoor Evanston IL feature 07/24/11
Rather read it? Then check out the original writing

Still No Answers
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Published in her book Close Cover Before Striking, performed live at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat , her outdoor Evanston IL feature 07/24/11
Rather read it? Then check out the original writing

Top of the Mountain
(the “G” version, since children could potentiall hear in this outdoor event)
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Published in her book Close Cover Before Striking, performed live at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat , her outdoor Evanston IL feature 07/24/11
Rather read it? Then check out the original writing

Brushes with Greatness
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Published in her book Close Cover Before Striking, performed live at Trunk Fest’s Triple Threat , her outdoor Evanston IL feature 07/24/11
Rather read it? Then check out the original writing